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About Us - The Alliance of Computer Science Students UPLB
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APRIL 13, 2024
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The annual Game of Codes event—organized by the Alliance of Computer Science Students - UPLB (ACSS-UPLB)—stands as UPLB's premier competitive programming competition.
Competitive programming involves teams of students collaboratively solving complex programming and mathematical problems. Each team is tasked with writing code capable of solving these problems within specified timeframe, aiming to accumulate the highest number of points.
The challenges presented in the competition aim to test not only coding skills but also innovative thinking and practical problem-solving strategies, providing participants with exposure to real-world problem scenarios.
Time icon

Every participant must be at the venue 30 minutes before the event starts. GoC will start even in the absence of some teams.

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Each team is provided two sets of problems with three varying difficulties. These problems will be constructed and tested by authors coming from the software industry, and will focus on these three main topics: Logic, Mathematics, and Algorithms.

Leaderboard icon

The teams have the freedom to select which problems they would like to work out first. However, the corresponding points for each problem and their difficulty will not be revealed to the participants. As the competition goes on, the leaderboards will be updated and displayed live.

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Every problem consists of several distinct specifications: (1) the input (e.g. a set of numbers, a string); (2) the expected output given each input; (3) the memory limit; and (4) the code runtime limit in seconds.

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Upon coming up with a solution, the contestants must submit a source code of that particular solution in either C, Java, or Python to a web interface called the “Judge”. To test their own solution, teams will be given test cases that include sample inputs, their corresponding outputs, and some explanation of the problem if needed. Furthermore, these solutions will be tested thoroughly using “hidden test cases” during judging.

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After the designated time limit for solving the problem set, Dethrone the King, the final part of the contest, will begin.

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The rank of each team will be determined by the number of points accumulated overall. On the occurrence of a tie, the team with the same score will go head-to-head in “Blitz” mode where a problem will be given to each team and the first one to solve it within 5 minutes gets the points.

1st Place


2nd Place


3rd Place
